Polly's Existential Crisis
Contrary to my video,I have actually done some fun stuff this week - it is just that none of it was on my 40 x 40 list. Well, technically I completed ANOTHER locked room, with built -in hidden object elements... purely by accident though. I was baby wrangling AKA hanging with my squad (is it a bit sad that my squad consists of 10 month old twins?)

When the childminder arrived to take over we realised I had actually been locked in, and that the keys were en-route to London, or in town working somewhere (I assume they were doing very little work, probably just sat in a handbag, all smug and inaccessible) Therefore, I had to search the kitchen for a backdoor key,get out of the door - once I had found a stool to reach the locks at the top of the door - then I had to search the shed for some secateurs to cut back the brambles and stinging nettles, so that I could get to the rusty (and spider covered!) back gate, I then had to use an old bench as a bridge to cross the nettles, before escaping into a field and then home. I think the fact that this counts as excitement is a sad indictment of my life - and therefore an example of why I am having an existential crisis! On Friday, I finally got to skype Yumi in Nara. My Japanese practise has been going well, although I forget all of it when I am talking to her! So I have learned a useful phrase - Wasurenaide (Because for some reason I can't copy and paste so you'll have to put up with Romanji, rather than Kanji/Hiragana) It means "don't forget"! Yumi also thought it was funny that I knew the word for babysitting but not for glasses! I need to learn a few more useful nouns I think. Saturday though, I was able to go out, and drink stuff, like a real grown-up, when I went to the O2 in Bristol to watch the Battle of the Bands. It was really good, with "We Merry Kings" came second - well worth checking out as they are great (The bass player is the brother of Cherise of Fun Run fame, which is why I knew about the event) To be fair the group that one, Imprints, were also really good. Anyway - this weeks video...