40 x 40
It is unlikely you found this blog by chance, so I expect you have seen my Youtube channel, in which case, we are practically related, you know all you need to know about me.
Just in case: Hi, I'm Polly, I make Youtube Videos about things I intend doing before I am 40 in March 2017, I generally sit in front of my bookcase, but I have been known to move occasionally.
I also do normal things, like: eat food, attend Uni and write essays (generally through stress tears) I also do parent stuff, like advise the kids to eat that green stuff (Veg? I've heard you can eat that , always thought it was for show) and not let them stay up too late... but mostly I am on the internet when it is cold outside and outdoors when it is sunny (but this is England, so you can work out how much time I spend indoors...)
One thing I will have to decide is what I intend to do once I am a proper grown-up..guess I have a year to figure that one out.
Nice to see you here, have a nose around, stalk me on instagram and Youtube...
And that's me