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Polly's Fun Run

Bit later this week on the blog - but yesterday was Hannah's Birthday, so I let her play on the PC all day - when she wasn't bathing the doggie visitor we have at the moment (Monty is back!, must get some pictures...) I will be updating the #19; Do a Fun Run page as soon as I can get to my own PC (At Uni at the moment) but in the meantime - here is our video...

We have decided to sign up again next year - I will actually do a bit of training and run more of it then! Although my sprint finish was something to behold! Still have the Smash Page to do, but that can go on the craft channel....

Polly Plaits

A Blog By Polly Thompson  

Racing towards 40... kicking and screaming...

© 2016 BY Polly Thompson


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