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Polly's Near-Death Experience

This week, I have had to whack together a video quick for you, as I have been busy tidying up, visiting the tip and the charity shop. I still have 6 bags to drop off of unwanted clothes, so my 2016 give-away is going well. I have also received official confirmation that I am now Polly Thompson Bsc. (Hons) - not sure if I can use the letters after my name without sounding pretentious though, seriously, when is it appropriate to use them? Anyway, this video is about mutant feet (?!?!?) and my fear of the sea following a near-death experience many many years ago and how I have added a new task to my 40x40 list.

Polly Plaits

A Blog By Polly Thompson  

Racing towards 40... kicking and screaming...

© 2016 BY Polly Thompson


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