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Polly's Crafty round-up

As I have been seriously remiss is uploading my craft videos I thought I would do a quick round-up about how all the crafty type activities on my list are going. I am friends with some really arty people and I should be able to get plenty of help with all aspects of "making stuff" - although our craft club generally degenerates into "look, here's my crochet, let's drink some wine..." and very little by way of craft is achieved! So here is the vid, I also mention one of my friends who has her own - much more imaginative - bucket list, who is all up for helping me on my post 40 list (can't get my head around calling it 50 x 50!) and has helped me come up with some very exciting and cool ideas.

Polly Plaits

A Blog By Polly Thompson  

Racing towards 40... kicking and screaming...

© 2016 BY Polly Thompson


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