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Polly's Geocaching Jaunt.

Again, not that early (totally Hannah's fault - couldn't get her off the PC! Oh and I had a wedding to help photograph, so a bit busy) So, took the kids Geocaching, we found 2 out of the 3 we looked for - not that we filmed our failure! It got the kids outdoors, and it was a nice few hours out and about. As next week is half-term, I have them all home (apart from Harri, who is living it up at Butlins!) So no doubt I will have fun deciding/working out, what I am going to film for you for next week. But here is this weeks video... enjoy!

Polly Plaits

A Blog By Polly Thompson  

Racing towards 40... kicking and screaming...

© 2016 BY Polly Thompson


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