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Polly attempts the blog thing...again.

Because it's not like I haven't got anything else to do... I'm trying the blog thing again. It will be more a link to my Youtube Channel and videos really, with the occasional added bit here and there... but mostly me forgetting the thing exists and not updating it*...clogging up the internet for everyone else (that's how it works, right?) So here we are - me talking about crochet... and my Smashbook... and the concert I am attending on Friday... I just bascially gabble on for about 10 minutes, I really need to start actually completing some of the stuff on my list, and indeed complete my list. Anyway - I present Polly's "Knot" Bothered: *Commitment issues...I know, I need help.

Polly Plaits

A Blog By Polly Thompson  

Racing towards 40... kicking and screaming...

© 2016 BY Polly Thompson


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